Candidates interested in taking one or more of the examinations offered by the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) may have begun studying using Nursing Home Administrator Practice Tests and other materials and resources, although changes to the NHA exam are coming soon. In addition, they may have completed the application process and intend to take the examination at a future date.
While the practice tests will help candidates better learn the necessary information and skills required to pass the Nursing Home Administrators Exam (NHA) or the Residential Care/Assisted Living Administrators Exam (RCAL), prospective examinees should take note that as of July 2017, future examinations will follow a new structure.
The last day that candidates and prospective candidates could apply for the current NHA and RCAL examinations occurred on June 1. That was also the last day for accessing the website that offered the exam application and exam results. This access restriction co-occurs with a short blackout period that will allow NAB to transition to the new test structure. The blackout period applies to both state exams and national exams.
June 16 is the last day of testing that will use the discontinued NHA and RCAL exams. Moving forward, July 5 will be the first day that exam candidates can apply for and take the new NAB exams. Additional information regarding the new examination timeline can be found here.
The new test structure developed by NAB will feature a Core of Knowledge exam comprised of 100 items, and a line of service exam comprised of 50 items.
Starting July 5, those wishing to take either the NHA or RCAL exams can apply for either test using a new application system. The application system can be accessed at https://nab.useclarus.com. Applications will not be available to candidates prior to this date. Additionally, prior application records will be transferred to the new system to ensure that all data is centrally located in one place.
Those wishing to find references and study materials for the new exam structure can peruse a list of recommended sources. Study materials include a new edition of the NAB Exam Candidate Handbook, containing important revisions based on the new exam structure, as well as important information regarding both of the required examination sections.
Additional recommended study materials can also be found at LTCExam.com. As one of the leading sources for study materials, Nursing Home Administrator Practice Tests, sample test questions and study materials that can be accessed at any time, LTCExam.com has helped many individuals successfully prepare for and pass the NHA or RCAL exams.
The National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards is the official National authority on licensing executives in long-term care, and it has members across all 50 states. As such, NAB’s examinations and new test structure will ensure that all passing individuals exhibit the appropriate knowledge and skills necessary for a job performance of the highest quality and professionalism.
Striving to ensure all content is up to date and relevant to the current examinations, LTCExam.com will be updating all of their NHA practice exam materials to meet the new official NHA requirements. Offering access to several Nursing Home Administrator Practice Tests, hundreds of test questions and a wide array of additional reference materials, the comprehensive services at LTCExam.com will be of great benefit to any prospective examinee.